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Monday, May 16, 2011

What Was HE Thinking??

At the risk of alienating the Deux's strong male following, I MUST tell this story.  First, let me give you some background info - a little family dynamics.  I have an older brother and sister.  We often, for whatever reason, are compelled to fib, make up stories, exaggerate what the other has said, etc.  It is all done in fun but makes it difficult to believe the first thing that comes out of each other's mouths.  As an example, my brother called and asked if I was going to see our mother?  She was actually sitting right next to me at the time so I asked if he meant the woman who was sitting next to me and gave birth to him?  He responded that I could confirm one event but the other I would just have to believe.  Naturally, I tell my mother that my brother just said that he doubted that she was his real mother because she was of average intelligence while he, on the other hand, was brilliant. :-)

A little later this same day, the Deux are playing with my brother. He comes out of the room to inform me that Kylie has told him that it was an A and B conversation so he should C his way out!  Of course, my immediate reaction is that he is making it up because I know that I've never said that to the girls or said it around them.  Post-haste I ask Kylie if she said it?  She proudly tells me yes.  I then asked her where she learned that saying? SHE INFORMS ME THAT DADDY TAUGHT HER!!!!

I immediately turn around to give Daddy the evil eye and he is chuckling.  His explanation was that Kennedi is so nosy and kept butting in while he was talking to Kylie, so he told her, "This is an A and B conversation so C your way out like the alphabet ABC."  WHAT WAS HE THINKING?  Still trying to explain, he continues, "You, know after Kylie said it, Kennedi said it and then Kylie said it again but it was only a couple of know, like the alphabet."  All the while, my brother is standing there with this smug "I told you so" look on his face.  I promise you this, if the Deux repeat this statement at school, daddy will be the one to go explain that he was teaching the ABC's.  MEN!

1 comment:

  1. He was teaching them the classics. What do you want for them to be left behind in the schoolyard? Is "Your mamma don't wear no draws" next? Mario


What DEUX you have to say? Just remember, be nice or I'll sick the dynamic deux and their followers on you!