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Friday, July 8, 2011

Five Year Olds Are Literal Aren't They?

Ballet Class
WE'RE BACK!!! The summer has been getting the best of us, well me.  The Deux are busy with cheerleading, gymnastics, ballet, tap, sports training, and their regular speech therapy.  They are loving it but I have to admit, momma's a bit worn out and we have a full month to go!  Anywho, enough of my whining and let me get you updated on the Deux. 

The Deux are almost two months into being 5 and the development of their distinct personalities continues to amaze me!  One thing that has become painfully apparent (when I say pain, I mean the pain from laughing too hard) is that 5 year olds are really literal.  Let me provide you with a couple of examples.

Kennedi has taken to pushing Kylie's buttons more and more.  Kylie usually winds up crying and complaining to mommy or daddy.  This one particular morning, I overheard Kylie crying while trying to express to daddy what Kennedi had said to her.  Daddy asks the question that I have asked on more occasions than I can count and that question is why does she listen to Kennedi?  I hear a pause and then Kylie in the whiniest voice possible exclaims, "I can't help it because my ears are open!" Thank goodness I wasn't in the same room as the damage from holding in my laugh would have been major.

Now this next instance will require me to tell on myself, but I guess I owe you for being away for so long.  I am riding along in the car with the Deux.  Let's just say that an odor "appeared" in the car.  We drive along a little further and the same "appearance" occurs.  All of a sudden Kennedi asks, "Mommy are you passing gas?"  I fess up and explain that I don't now why I'm full of  gas today.  Everything is quiet for a moment. We continue to drive along, singing our favorite Dora song and all of a sudden Kennedi stops and asks, "Mommy did you get too much gas at the gas station?" Totally thrown off, I ask her what she's talking about.  Kennedi explains, "You said you were full of gas from the gas station right?" Ahhhh, those five year olds sure are literal aren't they?

1 comment:

  1. And I thought my grandbaby was funny....I was missing her today (she is enjoying her summer visit with her Dad) and this just made my day. Thanks for the smile and the belly laugh.
    Malik M


What DEUX you have to say? Just remember, be nice or I'll sick the dynamic deux and their followers on you!