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Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Really Deux Know Better!

My trip to any store with the dynamic deux usually results in someone stopping us and asking at least one of the following questions:
      Are they twins?
      Do twins run in your family?
      Can you tell them apart?
      Which one is the bad twin?
Being asked questions at the store is so guaranteed to the point that I never plan on quick trips to the store anymore.  As the girls have aged, they have warmed up to the store inquisitions and will actually answer the questions instead of giving people the “why are you talking to me” look.

Well, our most recent excursion resulted in a question that we don't often hear; who is the oldest? I know the answer and the girls do too.  This particular day, however, I was either tired or was possessed by the spirit of my husband who insists that the youngest twin is the oldest.  For the record, Kylie was born first and Kennedi second…a whole minute apart!  The woman in front of us in line asked if they were twins and then who was oldest?  Kylie responded that she was and I corrected her, telling her that she KNEW Kennedi was the oldest. They both gave me a strange look but that was the end of it, or so I thought.

Later in the day, we are riding in the car and Kylie asks, “Mommy, I thought you said I would always be the oldest?”  I told her that she was correct.  Kennedi then chimed in,”But mommy, you told the lady that I the oldest so I da oldest today right?”  At that moment, the conversation in the store came flooding back and I realized the error!  I explained to Kennedi that I was wrong and that Kylie was the oldest and would always be the oldest.  She went on to ask, “But why mommy cuz I want to be the oldest!?!”  I tried to explain that Kylie was born first.  Kennedi responded by letting me know how tired she was of being born and that it wasn’t fair that only babies were born.  AND THEN THE FIGHT STARTED!

Kennedi: “You know what Kylie, you are the oldest born baby ever!” Kylie: “MOMMY!” Kennedi: “And my Minnie is going to have a birthday and be 1 minute older than your Mickey, no wait 1 MONTH older than your Minnie!” Kylie, “Humph!” For the last dig, the nail in the proverbial coffin, Kennedi added at the very top of her lungs,"AND MY MINNIE IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE THE OLDEST! " Note to self: Never, EVER make that mistake again!  

1 comment:

  1. Whooo weeeee! You almost started World War III, K. Kennedi fixed that problem, though. Minnie's now a whole MONTH older than Mickey?!?!? She showed you both. ;)


What DEUX you have to say? Just remember, be nice or I'll sick the dynamic deux and their followers on you!